Project Description

This project consisted of a Police/Courts Building, School Administration Building, and an Active Living Center Building for the city of Decatur. Each building required telecom, security, and audio visual design services. From an Audio Visual standpoint, the most extensive systems were designed for the main courtroom in the Police/ Courts Building and the Boardroom in the School Admin Building. The courtroom included the ability to route video content from multiple sources to multiple fixed and portable video display positions. A video router was located in an equipment closet and operated by touchscreens located at the judge and court clerk positions. Microphone support was provided at all positions including the gallery and the glass-enclosed prisoner holding booth. The School Admin Boardroom included a video matrix router as well, with multiple displays and video projection for displaying content and meeting agenda. Room control occurs from either the dais or a dedicated control booth in the rear of the room. Capability was also included to record events held in the room.


Project Details

Client: City of Decatur
Date: 2013
Systems: Security, Telecom, and Audio Visual